Monday, December 31, 2012

The essence of the good life

This is a hymn that has been on my mind. Consider it a post scriptum to the "Gift of Pain"

Oh that I might live this to the fullness for Christ!

"Jesus Is All I Wish or Want
For Him I pray, for Him I pant;
Let others after earth aspire,
Christ is the treasure I desire.

2. Possessed of Him, I ask no more;
He is an all-sufficient store;
To praise Him all my powers conspire
Christ is the treasure I desire.

3. If He His smiling face but hide,
My soul no comfort has beside;
Distressed I after Him inquire
Christ is the treasure I desire.

4. And while my heart is racked with pain,
Jesus appears and smiles again.
Why should my Savior thus retire?
Christ is the treasure I desire.

5. Come, humble souls, and view His charms,
Take refuge in His saving arms,
And sing, while you his worth admire,
Christ is the Savior I desire."

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I started "Annalogies" as an outlet of creativity for an overly scientific, logically minded life. I love people. I enjoy the simple things in life. My aspiration is that this outlet can allow me to grow in expression. So go with me and grow with me, if you like. I am just a sculpture still in the making.