Christmas in the Grey Submarine was quite the epic masterpiece.
To begin the saga, there were 31 adults and three adorable toddlers trotting round the Grey Submarine. Daddy and mamma were delighted to have three little ones running around all week. I believe it was an experience worth having for all of us. We girls have become so used to our own ages that we have forgotten the delight of such little ones.
Then we had the three illustrious "beaus" to grace us with their presence. They somehow responded very amiably to the great eccentricities of the family traditions.
The stomach virus swept through and the septic system had a break-down...But we we were able to laugh through it all for even the chaos had its own sweetness. To see different family members nurse others and to see the spouses helping each other and serving each other, made a deep impression on my mind's eye.
This Christmas set the last scene for a closing era in the Fulmer family lives. Wedding bells will come, sisters will be gone, little girls no longer girls but growing young women, and houses more silent.
It is interesting to view an era in the last of its stages and to see at the same time the birthing of another. Change is very like birth. It is painful, yet the actual product after the pain yields even more joy.
Furthermore, change allows us to experience a greater joy in Christ because we can better appreciate his changeless nature.
Therefore, we will greet change with a smile as we did the christmas virus with laughter.
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