Saturday, May 26, 2012

Considering Conviction

What is the quality that brings a man to accept death over the denial of his ideals; to undergo many an "unnecessary" inconvenience; to forsake material good,  or to have the strength to stand steady on a decision?

This quality is conviction. The convictions of a person may lead them through, times of fire, loneliness, diminished funds and fear. However, a conviction runs deep and forms a strength of character that no temporal circumstance can replace. Conviction are worth the effort and the "loss".

 Not always will others hold one's same conviction; however, one's own are the only convictions that must be endeavored to keep. No matter how large or small, one's convictions are worth holding with strength. It is with that strength that we try to please our Father and with which we gain the respect of our fellow humanity. Conviction forms  the unmovable mountain which stands strong within our being. Alone or with others, as long as our convictions are based upon the word of God, we are able stand with confidence. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The evening of a blackberry Eclipse

Since the Annual Eclipse was scheduled for this evening, a few friends gathered to watch it. Being Dewberry season and as there was a handy patch, Tucksie, Julia and I set out to gather dewberries for the general consumption of the assembled few.

Tykes bring so much imagination and so many unique views to life. While diligently picking berries, we covered brother-relationships; people only considering how something looks vs. the true reality of an object; the reasons that dogs act the way that they do; Dresses vs. Pants pros and cons; and the reasons behind an eclipse.

The sun sank low and we did not see the eclipse....but we had a lovely time beholding God's creation, and His artwork for this day!

Friday, May 4, 2012

"Just one more Chapter ...Please Daddy!!" A chorus of girls petitioned to Daddy as he would read aloud to us at night.  Often he would read,  "just one more chapter" However, when the time truly did come for him to end the chapter he would say, "That is all, we will read another chapter tomorrow." And it felt so sad to end the happy chapter and go to bed...

This week I ended a very happy Chapter in the book of life. As I walked away from the lovely brick buildings, looked across the green fields with grazing cows, and thought of the lovely people that form my school, the warmth that has surrounded my time reading this chapter enveloped me.

 Chapter Georgia Perimter
-Early mornings at the perk
-Lovely trails 
-Birthday outings with my sisters
-Delightful friends
-Deep conversations
-Philosophical inquiries
-Miss Brenda's help desk 
-Talks with teachers
-Julia my twin, Molly, Erin and arabic with Amanda
-One cry, every three months
-Coffee cups

-The Grotto

Closing chapters is sad, but never finishing books holds even more sadness.  Therefore, I end this chapter and embrace  finishing the volume entitled School.

About Me

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I started "Annalogies" as an outlet of creativity for an overly scientific, logically minded life. I love people. I enjoy the simple things in life. My aspiration is that this outlet can allow me to grow in expression. So go with me and grow with me, if you like. I am just a sculpture still in the making.