Saturday, January 31, 2015

Texan Cowboys and Tiny Teacups

There are times when people's actions just sweep in and knock down all of my predictive preconceptions or stereotypes.
I love to observe those moments in life that show me the way that humans of every type enjoy incorporating beauty into life.

While visiting my ray of sunshine sister recently, I frequented one of my favorite coffee shops, J&B coffee CO.
(Photo cred: firefly)

Sitting by the window studying, I happened to glance up as two rustic looking men enter the J&B, who looked to have been at their jobs since before sun-up. Their jeans were dusty, well oiled and torn in some places, and their wrinkled tan skin stuck out like a gnarled oak.
Being the people watcher that I am, my first thought was "Ohhhh, cowboys that is odd to see here... I bet they will a medium, dark roast, black coffee in cups to go...Typical." After they ordered , they sat at the table across from me, to wait for their coffee. When their order was finished names were called. Did they return with back coffee? ........ No, they returned to their seats with tiny espresso cups on tiny saucers. And they actually took the time to sit and sip their espresso's.
I was for some reason beautifully taken aback.

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About Me

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I started "Annalogies" as an outlet of creativity for an overly scientific, logically minded life. I love people. I enjoy the simple things in life. My aspiration is that this outlet can allow me to grow in expression. So go with me and grow with me, if you like. I am just a sculpture still in the making.